Moody’s confirms Hoist Finance AB ratings, including its Baa3/P-3 long- and short-term Counterparty Risk Ratings (CRR), the Baa3 senior unsecured debt ratings, the Baa3/P-3 long- and short-term issuer ratings, senior unsecured MTN (P)Baa3 ratings, the junior senior unsecured MTN (P)Ba2 ratings, the subordinate MTN (P)Ba3 rating and the subordinate Ba3 rating. The long-term expectations were changed to positive from negative.
Harry Vranjes, CEO of Hoist Finance has declared that the retail deposit platform is the focus of their funding model and unique in the industry. Hoist Finance therefore has – according to its declarations – a strong advantage especially in the current environment of higher interest rates for longer periods. He also said, “That our funding structure alongside our increased performance is now broadly recognised in our ratings outlook is another step forward for us in our journey towards becoming the leading NPL asset manager in Europe“.