Rumors, imment exit from Equifax of Mr. Bryson R. Koehler

Rumors  from the market indicate the imminent exit from Equifax of Mr. Bryson R. Koehler, who holds the role of Executive Vice President, Chief Technology, Product and Data & Analytics Officer.

From the information collected by our editorial staff, his resignation from his position will start from next March 1, 2024. Mr. Koehler leaves to pursue a new professional opportunity outside the group. Equifax has named Jamil Farshchi, currently executive Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, to take on the additional role of Interim Chief Technology Officer following Mr. Koehler’s departure.

It will be interesting to understand in the future whether, with the probable arrival of a new replacement for Mr. Koehler, there may also be changes in the strategic lines in the technological and product development fields.

Redazione Credit Village

Credit Village is today the meeting and reference point - through its three areas, web, publishing, events - for professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and credit management operators. It was founded in 2002 with the aim of spreading the culture of Credit and Collection Management in Italy.

Credit Village is a leading company in the field of specialized publishing and event organization for the credit management industry and in all issues and aspects related to the NPE market, including ESG , M&A, Real Estate etc. Credit Village has been the first company in Italy to bring the culture of the credit management industry to the press, events and online, creating the largest community in the sector around itself.