New board member joins PRA Group

Adrian Butler, attuale Chief Technology Officer di Foot Locker, è stato eletto nel Consiglio di amministrazione di PRA Group, Inc., una società specializzata nella gestione dei prestiti non performanti (NPL). La nomina avrà effetto dal 1° gennaio 2025. Con oltre 25 anni di esperienza nel settore tecnologico, Butler ha ricoperto ruoli dirigenziali in aziende come Casey’s General Stores, Dine Brands Global e Target Corporation. È anche membro di altri consigli di amministrazione e ha ricevuto numerosi prestigiosi premi professionali.

Credit Village

Credit Village is today the meeting and reference point - through its three areas, web, publishing, events - for professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and credit management operators. It was founded in 2002 with the aim of spreading the culture of Credit and Collection Management in Italy.

Credit Village is a leading company in the field of specialized publishing and event organization for the credit management industry and in all issues and aspects related to the NPE market, including ESG , M&A, Real Estate etc. Credit Village has been the first company in Italy to bring the culture of the credit management industry to the press, events and online, creating the largest community in the sector around itself.