ARECneprix, an Asset Manager and part of the illimity Group specializing in the management of…
Tag: real estate
The acquisition of Avalon Real Estate S.p.A., a company specialized in Project Management, Valuation, and…
doValue S.p.A., a European provider of financial services, has announced a new contract through its…
Arrow Global Germany GmbH (‘Arrow Germany’), a subsidiary of Arrow Global Group Limited, has announced…
Last week Arrow Global, specialized in investments in the credit and real estate sector, has…
James H. M. Sprayregen, a prominent figure in restructuring, corporate reorganization, and M&A, is joining…
In a significant move within the Italian real estate market, Arrow Global Group has announced…
A recent study conducted by Reviva and provided an in-depth overview of trends in…
AMCO – Asset Management Company S.p.A. has officially unveiled its Strategic Plan for 2024-2028, aimed…
The Illimity Real Estate Credit Fund (iREC), managed by illimity SGR, has seen a significant…