LC Financial Holdings acquires BCM Global

Another major M&A deal in the Credit Industry was completed successfully.

Thus the trend of market concentration continues in the short time distance of the acquisition of Prelios by Cerved.

LC Financial Holdings (LCFH) announced the successful completion of the acquisition of BCM Global (BCM).

Founded in 1998, LC Financial Holdings comprises LCM Partners, a specialist in distressed credit investments,  Link Financial Group and LDMS, a technology provider focused on the credit management sector.

BCM Global is a European operator active in the sector of loan and asset management services and belonged to Link Group, a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (only the same name as Link Financial) which in the past had already received an offer for the sale from  Pepper European Servicing.

The BCM is operative in the UK, Italy and the Netherlands, will be an integral part of the Group.

The LCFH Group, combined with BCM, will manage 100 billion euros and almost 7 million customers, in 10 countries with over 2,000 dedicated human resources.

Redazione Credit Village

Credit Village is today the meeting and reference point - through its three areas, web, publishing, events - for professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and credit management operators. It was founded in 2002 with the aim of spreading the culture of Credit and Collection Management in Italy.

Credit Village is a leading company in the field of specialized publishing and event organization for the credit management industry and in all issues and aspects related to the NPE market, including ESG , M&A, Real Estate etc. Credit Village has been the first company in Italy to bring the culture of the credit management industry to the press, events and online, creating the largest community in the sector around itself.