Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data on non-performing loans with reference date 31 January 2023

The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) has today posted on its website updated aggregate Cyprus banking sector data on non-performing loans (Aggregate Cyprus Banking Sector Data). It is noted that as of reference date 31st December 2022, RCB bank is not included, the banking license of which has been revoked.


  1. Aggregate data and indicators


The tables below summarise the evolution of the aggregate non-performing loans (NPLs) and related indicators for all credit institutions operating in Cyprus (domestic operations only) on a consolidated basis.


Table 1: Summary aggregate data for all credit institutions


  31/01/2023 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 31/12/2018  31/12/2017
€ million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Total loans 24.306 24.361  



28.880 32.107 33.892 47.081
Total loans with amounts past due

 > 90 days

1.843 1.826 2.111 3.937 7.425 7.625 15.719
Total non-performing loans 2.320 2.307 2.963 5.111 8.972 10.260 20.578
Total restructured loans


of which: those that continue to be classified as non-performing loans

2.706 2.733 3.482 3.314 5.454 6.659 11.821
1.015 1.018 1.466 2.230 4.006 4.603 8.461
Total accumulated impairment (provisions)


of which: those


non-performing loans

1.205 1.206 1.431 2.543 4.939 5.261 9.627
1.094 1.096 1.267 2.359 4.803 5.088 9.451


Table 2: Aggregate indicators for all credit institutions


  31/01/2023 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 31/12/2017
% % % % % % %
Total loans with amounts past due           > 90 days /      Total loans 7,6 7,5 7,8 13,6 23,1 22,5 33,4
Total non-performing loans /       Total loans 9,5 9,5 11,0 17,7 27,9 30,3 43,7
Total accumulated impairment (provisions)1 / Total non-performing loans 47,2 47,5 42,7 46,2 53,5 49,6 45,9
Total restructured loans /

Total loans

11,1 11,2 12,9 11,5 17,0 19,6 25,1

Source: CBC.

Notes: (1) Those concerning non-performing loans.

    Table 3: Aggregate data and indicators for all credit institutions by institutional sector

    (end of January 2023)


  Total loans Total

non-performing loans

Total    loans with amounts past due     > 90 days Total

restructured loans


of which:

those that continue to be classified as non-performing loans

Total accumulated impairment (provisions) of which:

those concerning non-performing loans


non-performing loans /  Total    loans

Total accumulated impairment (provisions)1/ Total non-performing  loans
  € million € million € million million € million € million € million % %



2.320 1.843 2.706 1.015 1.205 1.094 9,5 47,2
General government 341 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2,8
Other financial corporations 1.364 62 49 78 51 46 37  



Non-financial corporations



 of which: SMEs

11.983 969 739 1.839 471 694 613 8,1 63,2
8.397 835 684 1.164 392 577 522  



Households 10.618  



1.055 789 493 464 445  




      Source: CBC.

      Notes: (1) Those concerning non-performing loans.

Source: Central Bank of Cyprus

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