Cherry Bank, italian bank specialized in business support, in the creation of value from the…
PWC has recently reported on significant changes in the Italian Non-Performing Exposure (NPE) and Credit…
DBRS released an analysis on the European market for securitizing non-performing loans (NPL), noting a…
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) published the Peer Review on Italy analysing Italy’s progress to…
Luzzatti, a consortium that groups 19 Italian territorial popular banks, mostly locally significant, considering the…
Italian Kryalos SGR, with managed assets of €12.5 billion, has announced a significant new operation…
According to data from the “Union of Credit and Credit Management Companies”, the Greek association…
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released its annual risk assessment report for the European…
Settlement proposal for class action initiated by consumers against Bank of America for debt collection…
doValue S.p.A., a leading player in Southern Europe in the field of credit and real…