Christian Wallentin, CFO and Deputy CEO of Hoist Finance, has decided to leave the company…
Tag: Hoist Finance
Hoist Finance, an asset manager specializing in distressed loans, has successfully completed the issuance of…
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Hoist Finance reported a net profit of SEK 248…
The Swedish Group specialized in credit management and debt purchase and listed on the Stockholm…
The Swedish group listed on the Stockholm stock exchange and also specialized in debt buying…
Hoist Finance publishes on its website the 2023 results and reports the words of its…
Moody’s confirms Hoist Finance AB ratings, including its Baa3/P-3 long- and short-term Counterparty Risk Ratings…
Alpha Bank, one of Greece’s four largest lenders, and Hoist Finance,an asset manager specialised in…
Hoist Finance AB (publ) (Baa3/neg outlook) has issued three senior unsecured bonds for a total…